34,000km ... and back again ... full circle!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cape Le Grande ... very grand!

Just south east of Esperance is the Cape Le Grande National Park. Again, stunning scenery... where does this country get all of it's stunning beaches?!!

Cape Le Grande

Cape Le Grande Beach - could've driven all the way from
Esperence on the beach, but wasn't sure of the 'softness' or
the tides, so stuck to the hard top and the rubble !

This day wasn't quite as 'perfect as the previous one, but not too bad. The breeze came up a bit in the afternoon (But the rain didn't start until the next day!).

Doing 'kid stuff'

If you've heard of kangaroos sun-baking on the beach in WA, this is where they do it - Lucky Bay. Not this day tho'. We did see kangaroos, but they had their winter coats and beanies on to keep warm!
Lucky Bay

Jed being "smart"!
(Try as I might, I could not get this photo to
turn the right way, so you'll have to twist your
head around to see it)
                  More 'kids stuff'!
Probably not all that comfortable for watching
the footy on a Friday night?? (Oh, that's right - it'd
be Collingwood anyway, so I probably wouldn't bother!)

Some holes are just made for it, aren't they? 

Hellfire Bay - the sand here was like walking on salt crystals and


Frenchman's Peak - altitude approx. 225m
The day had deteriorated a little, and was breezy, and very hazy, so the potential 'fantastic view' didn't really eventuate. Was still very impressive to look down and see tiny little cars driving on the road.

"Mum, do you have to tell me again, to be careful?"

View through the 'window' towards the coast. Boy! was the wind fairly whistling through here! I decided not to go any further, as I didn't want to get blown off the tippy top - but the kids and Jon scampered further
and did say (probably, just for my benefit), that the wind was much better right on the peak!! I was happy for them to have found that out!
Hmmm...! That was why it was a bit 'stressy'. It reminded me of Uluru without the chain.

 I think the climb was worth the effort?? My right 'quad' muscle was that sore the next day ...! Everyone else seemed to be okay?? We were rather pleased with ourselves when we made it back to the car in 50 mins, when the suggested time was 2 hours!

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Wildlife Witnessed

  • Humpback whales playing off Cape Naturaliste
  • Sea Eagle catching a 30cm fish and landing on beach
  • Dugongs, near Monkey Mia
  • Dolphins (Puk, Piccolo ...etc) at Monkey Mia
  • Sea creatures at 'Ocean Park', near Denham
  • Angel, Parrot & Clown Fish
  • Rays
  • Fish, fish and more fish!
  • Goanna eating a Western Brown snake
  • Ta-Ta Lizard, that would sit still and wave a foot
  • Camel - trying to nibble my backside
  • Wedge-tailed eagles eating carcases on the side of the road
  • Clouds of Budgies in the outback
  • Crocodiles - 4, in the Daintree River
  • Forest Kingfisher