34,000km ... and back again ... full circle!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tall Timber Tingles

I'd never heard of "Tingle" Trees previously!

But we encountered more amazing giant trees as we made our way along the south coast of WA and came to Walpole.

(And South Coast, means we have finally had to dig out the jumpers and tracksuits, as in the usual southern fashion 'Spring' means changeable, with some chilly days and brisk breezes.)

There are evidently three different types of Tingle trees, that are slightly different in appearance and the common name comes from the lazy Australian way of saying the Aboriginal word for them.

They only appear in this area of Australia, (I think) and they are amazingly 'huge'.
The "Giant Tingle Tree", near Walpole

Fantastic trunks!

 Yep! I spotted 'more' wildflowers!

Shows the difference between a Karri tree on the
LHS and a Tingle tree on the RHS
Tingle Trees and other vegetation along the Deep River, near the Nornalup Inlet, leach tannins and saponin into the  water giving it a deep, dark brown coffee colour. And the saponin contains some kind of foam inducing product, so where the river bubbles over the rapids etc, it makes a very frothy kind of foam. Cappacino anyone?

"If all the world were ... coffee..."
         The mountain goats doing their usual thing!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to catch up on your wanderings around this BIG country.The photos are so good.


Wildlife Witnessed

  • Humpback whales playing off Cape Naturaliste
  • Sea Eagle catching a 30cm fish and landing on beach
  • Dugongs, near Monkey Mia
  • Dolphins (Puk, Piccolo ...etc) at Monkey Mia
  • Sea creatures at 'Ocean Park', near Denham
  • Angel, Parrot & Clown Fish
  • Rays
  • Fish, fish and more fish!
  • Goanna eating a Western Brown snake
  • Ta-Ta Lizard, that would sit still and wave a foot
  • Camel - trying to nibble my backside
  • Wedge-tailed eagles eating carcases on the side of the road
  • Clouds of Budgies in the outback
  • Crocodiles - 4, in the Daintree River
  • Forest Kingfisher