34,000km ... and back again ... full circle!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

This is the first sign we've seen to Adelaide
for a long time!



 ... and we begin the last stretch, to the East and South Australia.

 The first night along this stretch we spent at Fraser Range - a station camping facility, 100km from Norseman. Itwas one of the smaller stations between Norseman and Ceduna. The owners hadn't been there all that long and were still sorting out the station - working side of things. They thought they had about 10,000 sheep 'somewhere'?? But they hadn't been tended to for a long time!

The Campsite was pretty ship shape tho' and some intersting walks etc to do.

Old quarters and shearing shed at Fraser Range

Another 'encounter' with the Cuttens! This time we camped
right next door. Carolyn very kindly delivered some yummy
apple muffins, warm from the oven, to us for a late afternoon
snack! I did miss being able to use an oven whenever I
wanted this year.
Still friends, even after "close proximity" for 10 months!

Then it was in through Balladonia, and all those Roadhouse stops on the Eyre Highway and Nullabor. Balladonia Roadhouse had a great museum, and seeing as the Skylab path went straight over this area also, they had more info about this, and a pretty big piece of 'space junk'.

A large remnant of Skylab, and no
arguments as to which country was

Pathe of Skylab, as it reentered the Earth's atmosphere and broke
up over WA. Balladonia is marked at the top RHS.

Pretty 'all-encompassing'! I think we only saw one kangaroo, though.
 We have seen all sorts of "Yellow signs" - from camels, to wombats, to icecreams, to coffee cups, bilbies, cassowarries, jellyfish etc. But often we were past before I could get the camera into action!

"Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."    (Men At Work)
The storms followed us from Kalgoorlie, to Fraser Range and then along the Eyre Highway

Out of Norseman - salmon gum country

Eucla where we stayed 'in the middle', about 12kms west of the Border
 Boy! Did we have a Light and Sound Show this night - and the next morning there were about a dozen dead birds, spoggies or something similar, in the middle of the campground on the gravel. Had they been caught up in the storm?? it was a bit of a mystery!
Some people we talked to the next day had free-camped that night but a bit further to the west, and they woke up to a flooded camp area and about 100 trees uprooted all around them! But no caravans, or campers, were harmed. I'm glad we were where we were.

Eucla, village, is up on the 'escarpment' of the plain, about 5 kms from the coast. Closer to the coast is where the old telegraph line used to go through. As you can see the sand is encroaching!
Old Telegraph Station ruins at Eucla
We were getting excited at Eucla, as it was our last stop before heading back into SA!

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Wildlife Witnessed

  • Humpback whales playing off Cape Naturaliste
  • Sea Eagle catching a 30cm fish and landing on beach
  • Dugongs, near Monkey Mia
  • Dolphins (Puk, Piccolo ...etc) at Monkey Mia
  • Sea creatures at 'Ocean Park', near Denham
  • Angel, Parrot & Clown Fish
  • Rays
  • Fish, fish and more fish!
  • Goanna eating a Western Brown snake
  • Ta-Ta Lizard, that would sit still and wave a foot
  • Camel - trying to nibble my backside
  • Wedge-tailed eagles eating carcases on the side of the road
  • Clouds of Budgies in the outback
  • Crocodiles - 4, in the Daintree River
  • Forest Kingfisher