34,000km ... and back again ... full circle!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week Two

Well, we have survived our first week in the van! (and we're all still alive!!)
Our weather has been almost perfect - unlike many other parts of the country! We have only had a bit of 'drizzle' and it's been a bit breezy every now and then, but nothing like the 'breezes' we had at Robe (70kph), on the weekend of our test camp.

We have had a very relaxing time, but also done a fair bit of physical activity, and seen lots of nature. Coffin Bay is certainly a 'mecca' for all those that love marine life and geography, and water sports.
We have been fortunate enough to do the following:

  • Canoeing, on a 'glassy' bay (and a lot more scenic than those rowing machines!)
  • More fishing! and I kid you not, the 'myth' about catching old boots is TRUE!! Jed hooked in a sandshoe, that by the number of barnacles attached had been there a day or two! (didn't have my camera at the time, so have no evidence, but I can assure you it happened!)
  • Driving to Coffin Bay National Park - beautiful beaches, sandhills and lots of rugged coastline. And kids had a swim. We have been told on a few occasions that the temperature of the water in the various bays in the area is about 20 degrees!! Nice! They are fairly sheltered and shallow.
  • Bikeriding/Walking to the CB LookOut - which was all smooth sailing until Jon pushed his bike a bit too hard, and broke some of the gear-changing mechanism! Consequently, he had to walk the rest of the way home, we area 3 bike family now and ... we have spare bike parts if anyone needs any!
  • Exploring the Eastern side of Coffin Bay area - found a beautiful beach sheltered with a narrow, sandy 'spit', that created a lagoon type swimming area, and I reckon some of this water was about 26 degrees!
  • Evening walks - and last night it wasn't enough to be juggling the "marbly" rocks in my thongs, I got the shock of my life to have a long, black, slithery thing, scuttle out of our way, and then top it all off there was a baby brown snake a bit further along. I didn't walk that way this morning!

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Wildlife Witnessed

  • Humpback whales playing off Cape Naturaliste
  • Sea Eagle catching a 30cm fish and landing on beach
  • Dugongs, near Monkey Mia
  • Dolphins (Puk, Piccolo ...etc) at Monkey Mia
  • Sea creatures at 'Ocean Park', near Denham
  • Angel, Parrot & Clown Fish
  • Rays
  • Fish, fish and more fish!
  • Goanna eating a Western Brown snake
  • Ta-Ta Lizard, that would sit still and wave a foot
  • Camel - trying to nibble my backside
  • Wedge-tailed eagles eating carcases on the side of the road
  • Clouds of Budgies in the outback
  • Crocodiles - 4, in the Daintree River
  • Forest Kingfisher